The alcoholic beverages distribution and retail system changes widely from one state to another, according to current regulations. In some cases the distribution is directly managed by state monopolies, in other cases it is contracted out to third bodies. It is the case of Sweden, where the company Systembolaget controls alcoholic beverages retail trade through the direct management of its 444 stores as well. Even if the monopoly policy is not to encourage sales by means of commercial promotions, to avoid non-responsible drinking, it offers customer services as regards alcoholic beverages selection, including wine. Swedish customer’s growing interest in sustainable and biological wines (2016/2010 + 393% value + 310% volume of trade) can be explained by the average consumer’s profile features: set on environment safeguard and the sustainability of production processes (sources: Nomisma - WineMonitor). This interest in biological wine and increasing attention of Swedish consumers to sustainability encouraged Systembolaget to present its Launch Plan 2017, a plan for the selection of quality wines from sustainable winegrowing. It can be assumed that the selection of wines, through international calls for proposals, is increasingly going to favour firms openly committed to sustainability in the wine sector and it stimulates a conversion of the traditional agriculture to a sustainable one. That’s why Systembolaget chose to visit, in August 2017, some Italian wine producers joining VIVA – Sustainability and Culture program: Cantina di Vicobarone (PC), Cantina Settecani (MO), Azienda Chiarli 1860 (MO) and Cantina Principi di Porcìa (PN), guided by the firms’ administrators and led by Stefano Maneri (organizer), Ettore Capri (VIVA program scientific coordinator) and Gloria Luzzani (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). Swedish delegates visited the firms, the vineyards, had a taste of different wines such as Lambrusco from Modena and Collio’s Pinot Grigio and asked in detail about VIVA program in order to understand the motivations of these producers committed to sustainability. It is a well appreciated virtuous approach and it confirms that sustainability will be soon a distinctive feature of Swedish wine market, and consumers are increasingly going to demand this kind of products.
dr. Stefano Maneri
Sustainable Solutions Consulting