VIVA is a voluntary program that, through 4 scientifically recognized indicators, aims at assessing and improving the vineyards and wine production sustainability performances.
VIVA is promoted by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, and verified by an independent third organization. It applies common rules through the use of technical specifications, based on the current main standards on the issue.
VIVA assesses the sustainability of the company, the process and the product.
VIVA is scientifically updated, based on the Italian academic research and the international expertise.
VIVA is committed to protect the environment, the biodiversity and the landscape, allowing the exchange of best practices.
VIVA promotes the socio-economic aspects related to the wine production.
VIVA ensures a transparent, uniform and relevant communication by the use of a specific label, easy-to-use by consumers.
VIVA endorses what farmers and companies are actually doing to produce high quality wine, while improving their sustainability performances.
VIVA provides education and training, encouraging new professionalism in the agro-food system, and transferring specific competencies and knowledge in the industry sector.
VIVA supports a “sustainability culture” at local, national and international level by creating a multi-stakeholder system.
These are the reasons why VIVA is a unique program at national and international level.
Join it. Subscription is free. Visit the website www.viticolturasostenibile.org
Prof. Ettore Capri
Direttore Centro di ricerca Opera
dott.ssa Fiamma Valentino
Ministero dell'Ambiente